Monday, October 25, 2010

Twins and Angels

I'm going to catch up on the past week a few blogs at a time. Or at least that's my plan for now...

Last Thursday was "Twin Day" at school.
Jackson and Taylor - Precious Twins for the Day

 Straight from the islands and looking super-cute...Cheryl and Michel

Not sure where Kathleen and I are from - maybe the land of craft-store rejects.  I can say this only because I came up with these lame outfits!  Yes, you're right, our visors do say "Twin Day".

These beautiful ladies are cousins in real-life, but the kids call them sisters.  How appropriate for them to be each other's "twin"!

 In other random school news...

Look closely at this window looking out into the courtyard.  Do you see the "Angel"?

How about now?  Touched by an "Angel" - Pretty cool!  We're just hoping the bird is okay.  I told my students I thought he was just fine...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Verse of the day - "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." Psalm 16:9



  1. So many thought. When I read the title, I just knew this was going to have something to do with baseball. Love the twins- all so cute. And what a fun activity. Also, I'm feeling really sorry for the bird- but he certainly made an impression. (Sorry- I crack myself up). Last- LOVE the Bible verse of the day. Will be adding that to my daily list of prayers.

  2. That bird's hilarious.
