Sunday, March 27, 2011

9 Letters

Jackson's first official baseball game was last Tuesday night.  We received our uniforms on Monday night.  I took one look at the back of his jersey and had to laugh.  Our last name was misspelled.  This wasn't the first time and I'm just guessing it probably won't be the last either.  After all, it does have 9 letters, it's hard to say, and it's got a lot of m's and c's.

Oops - there's an "a" where the "o" is supposed to be!
Sidenote to my friend Michel - go ahead and prepare yourself for misspellings on the backs of your children ;)

Best looking fan at the game!
Goofy boy wouldn't let go of the fence.  I forgot to take a picture of him before the game.  Not sure what man invented white baseball pants, but I'm not happy with him and neither is my "shout" stick! 
Monkey see, monkey do

Kendall had her school pictures on Tuesday as well.  Here she is before school, all ready to go!  She stood in front of Zach and said "I'm pretty, I'm handsome, I'm pretty, I'm handsome." while twirling.  P.S. not sure what that smile is all about...
In case you were wondering, Jackson's jersey has already been corrected!  Pictures coming soon!!!

Verse of the day - "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Break - The Finale

Spring Break Part 3...

Sunday morning we got up early to share one last breakfast with Aunt Carol, Scott and Jennifer before they had to head back to Houston.  Sadly, I didn't get any pictures.  Boo!

After breakfast, we got dressed and headed out to church with my Grandma.  This is not just any church, mind you, this is the church my mom grew up in, my parents got married in and where my brother and I were both baptized.  Love this church and the preacher (who is the same one that married my parents and baptized us)!

The church sits right across the street from my mom's 12-in-one school.  This is where she went to elementary, middle and high school - all in the same building!

The song leader asked for hymn requests that day.  One was for "Go Tell it on the Mountain" - Kendall's favorite song!  He saw Jackson and Kendall singing away and called them up to join him.  One sang, one just sat and smiled - I'll let you guess which was which!

Uncle Bo with Jackson and Kendall.  This was the original altar for Fargo UMC.  They moved it over when the new church building was built in 1936.  It's a beautiful piece of craftsmanship!

Memaw with Jacks and Kendall

We had one last quick lunch with my Grandma and then headed back to Lubbock.  We had a great time and can't wait to see everyone again!

Verse of the day - "And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit." Ephesians 2:22


Of horses, cows and cousins

Spring Break Part 2...

Saturday afternoon, we headed back out to my Grandma's house (she lives in a farming community north of town) for good food and even better company!  My mom is one of five children (she's the baby) and all five of them were there Saturday night.  I know how happy my Grandma must have been to see them all together.  I know my kids were beyond excited to play with some of their cousins (we sure did miss those that we didn't get to see)!

A "small" spread for 30 people - everything was so yummy!

Caitlin and Alli on the beloved porch swing

Andrew and Emily

The "younger" kids table
I thought I was taking a picture of Jackson and Austen, but got two pirates instead!

Silly Case and Kaci

Kendall and Addison

Sweet Tana

My grandma has the greenest thumb ever (she didn't pass that on to me) -
one of her beautiful spring blooms!

You know you're not in the city anymore when
a horse comes by as you're eating supper!

Kendall LOVED the horse. 
She was so excited to pet it, but then got scared as she got closer.

This young man was really nice to stop a while and talk to the kids.  He also had three dogs with him.  He was so patient to let each of the kids pet the horse and ask questions. 

This is the "after" picture of Jackson petting the horse.  He first tried to pet the horse on the flanks.  The horse didn't kick, thank goodness, but Jacks learned a valuable lesson about horse etiquette.  Such a city boy!

In honor of George Strait being in town this weekend -
This is where the cowboy rides away!

This was the first of several attempts to get a group picture of the kids.

I love trailer pictures.  I have lots of great memories taking pictures just like this with my cousins on these trailers.  And we might have used it as a stage a few times as well.  I'm sure our "shows" were spectacular! 
Kendall loves hanging out with the big girls!

She's starved for attention as you can tell...
My Uncle J.R. has a farm down the road from my Grandma's.  After supper, the kids and a few adults decided to walk down there.  I asked my cousin how far it was since we were taking Kendall with us.  She replied, "Oh, not far, just a block or so."  Well, that's the last time I'll ask a cross country runner for a distance check.  It was further than any block I've ever walked.  Kendall made it nearly the whole way,  she only rode on Zach's shoulders for the last quarter mile or so. 

Heading down the road...

Andrew and Jackson

Uncle J.R. came and offered rides to the tired walkers.  Don't worry - he was maybe going 2 miles per hour!  What's a trip to the country without a ride in the back of a pick-up?  Brings back wonderful memories of going with my sweet Papa to feed his cows with my cousins!

We made it to the gate - it was such a beautiful evening!

Springtime means lots of cute little calves!  This one was my favorite!

Mama and baby coming to eat

Addison and Kendall getting reading to feed the cows.

Jackson throwing the hay - look out cows!!!

They didn't mind - they were ready to eat!

Kendall attempting to throw some hay.

Look at these crazy horns!!!

Kendall had not napped all day!  She was one tired cookie when we got back to Grandma's house.  She sat down on Memaw's (that's what the great-grandkids call my Grandma) lap for a story.

The Jones sisters looking over something - I love these ladies so much!!!

Clearly not as tired as his sister!  He was so excited he nearly made it to the top.  I told him no further because you can't play baseball with a broken limb! 

Part 3 coming soon...

Verse of the day - "He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate--bringing forth food from the earth" Psalm 104:14


P.S. Please keep my sweet teacher friend in your prayers.  She lost her sister in a tragic car accident.  Her sister was a wonderful wife, sister, daughter and mother of three young children.  Such a heartbreaking loss  - I pray God's hands will wrap them in peace and love.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Swimming in Hot Sauce

For the last part of Spring Break we headed to Vernon.  We had a great time visiting with family and playing with cousins! 

We pass through Matador on our way to Vernon.  They had a devastating wildfire in Motley County at the end of February that destroyed miles of farmland (14 miles per Mom's odometer) and killed some cattle.  The fires were so bad that city officials evacuated the town and canceled school.  Driving into Matador, I was amazed that no one was hurt and no homes were destroyed.  You could see where the fire had been put out inside the city limits- about 50 feet from the first row of houses.  I tried to take some pictures as we were driving, but was not very successful.

Most of the mesquite trees were completely burned.  New fencing had been put up since most of it was destroyed as well.

New, green grass has already come up in some places.  God's wonders are amazing!
We went straight out to my Grandma's house when we arrived.  Of course, there were cousins there to play with!  My Aunt Carol and cousins Jennifer and Scott from Houston were also in town which was an added bonus!  Especially since Jennifer and her Marine husband Slava are stationed in South Korea for a year!  It was so good to see them and catch up.  I only wish our visit could have lasted a little longer! 
Jackson watching Addison playing Jen's IPad.  "Cut the Rope" is a new favorite.  Thanks to Jen for bringing her IPad which provided much entertainment!

Uncle J.R. and Scott

Jen and her "furry" baby girl Austin
Aunt Carol, Andrew, Michelle and Robby

Friday night, Kendall modeled her new swimwear for us in preparation for the swimming pool the next morning.  She was ecstatic about her new "fwimfuits".  I left my camera at my Grandma's, so the next few shots are brought to you courtesy of my phone.

I call this her Marilyn pose - no one should be this excited over a swimsuit!
The next morning we got up, ate breakfast and waited and waited and waited and waited for the pool to open (and our cousins to arrive to join in the fun)!
I woke up to find this note on the bed.  Hmmm...wonder who could have wrote this?

 This "napless wonder" from the day before was still snoozing in bed with us
 Ready to swim - This is Kendall's other swimsuit, a tankini with monkeys!
We headed down to the pool, our cousins arrived to swim and life was good!!!  My sweet Grandma brought my camera into town when she came to watch the kids swim.

Floating Andrew

Smiling Andrew
Austen modeling Addison's goggles
Kendall loved swimming in the hot sauce, a.k.a. hot tub
The kids swam for a solid two hours - Case was the first kiddo out of the pool.  I think he was little tired.

Pretty girls hanging out
Dueling IPads to entertain those finished swimming - Thanks again Jen and Yommy!
Jackson and Austen enjoying the "bubbles"
After swimming, we headed up to get changed and have some lunch.

Kendall likes to play "the birds" on Yommy's IPad.
Parts 2 and 3 coming soon...

Verse of the day - "And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." Colossians 3:14
