Friday, October 1, 2010

All About Kendall

Yay!  I'm finally doing an all about Kendall post!

I'm not sure where to begin telling you about Kendall (a.k.a. Tindle, Kendy, Kendy-Cane, Sissy, etc.).  She is the most opinionated person living in our household and she's just two!  I often say that I think God filled her with a little extra spirit!

Here are a few things we love about our girl...

  • Her hair!  I hate my curly hair, but absolutely love it on her.

  • Her smile!  Those teeth - I like to call them her Texas pageant teeth.  She leads with those teeth when she smiles, talks and dances!
    Good shot of those pageant teeth and her "puffed" out hair!
  • Her OCD issues!  She is definitely the most analytical person in our family.  She sorts, stacks, and organizes anything.  Give her a stack of books, legos or dominoes and she is set for at least half an hour.  Her "Monk"-like ways also play a factor in her clothing.  Everyday after school, she comes home, strips down and puts on the same outfit - EVERYDAY!!!  She will even dig the clothes out of the hamper to put them on.  The only variation is the shirt - it can be the plain pink one or the pink one with the butterflies.  The shorts actually belong to another outfit.
What an outfit!

Another after school ritual is stacking and unstacking lots and lots of books, over and over and over again.  Then, once her stacking is complete she reads Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  Only in Kendall's world it goes "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What You Are?" instead of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?"
  • Her dancing skills!  I picked her up from school the other day and she was having a dance party to entertain her teachers.  She was doing the "Single Ladies" dance (don't judge me - you know you like that song, too!).  Don't get me wrong I love Jackson's sporting events, but I cannot wait until Kendall starts dance and we can enjoy some "GirlWorld" activities!  She love "nastics" (gymnastics) at school already!
  • Her love of animals!  She has never met an animal she didn't like.  We've got to figure out how to get her a pet that doesn't bother Jackson's allergies!

  • Her free-spirit!  She marches to the beat of her own drum (and beat boxes to it as well).  The other day I was doing the dishes and she was coloring at the table.  About 5 minutes later, she came up to me and said, "Look, Momma!  I tolored me!"  We're working on our "k"and "c" sounds, by the way. 

Notice the shorts?

This is the second shirt variation

  • Her speech!  Many of you know that I was worried for a long time about her speech.  REPEAT AFTER ME - DO NOT compare your children, DO NOT compare your children, DO NOT compare your children!  She was just taking her time because she knew she had a LOT to say about everything!
  • Her girly-ness!  She loves bows, jewelry, shoes and tu-tus.  I know this may not last forever, but I am definitely enjoying it while it lasts!

Admiring how cute she is in the mirror!

How lucky are we that God chose us to be her parents?  She is such a blessing and a joy!!!!

Verse of the day - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


1 comment:

  1. She is such a doll!!! I love her and each time I see her I just want to give her a big squeeze. I personally would love to just have a few of her curls. :) So darling!! She is a blessing to so many!
