Friday, June 10, 2011


Seven years ago Zach and I were given one of our greatest gifts - Jackson!  I can't believe my little 7 pound, 11 ounce baby is now my big seven year old.  I say this all the time but really where does the time go?

He has accomplished so many things this year!  He started taking piano lessons and thoroughly enjoys it.  He played football, basketball and baseball and got immensely better at each sport.  He joined our church choir and loves to sing.  He loved first grade and learned so much.  He is such a great reader.  I love to listen to him and see how he reacts to the stories!  He loves math.  He asks me all the time to give him math problems that are "harder mom, harder!" 

Jackson loves school in general - he thrives on the praise and recognition he receives for hard work and good behavior.  I loved being able to look across the hall and see the top of his head every now and then!  He was in his first musical and did so well.  He also grew a ton this year.  He wears a size 4 in shoes (that's a 6 women's size!).  He has now lost 7 of his baby teeth and his back molars are starting to come in.  We go to the doctor next week for his annual check-up and I am anxious to see exactly how tall he is!  He has a good sense of humor and I love to hear him laugh.  He loves sarcasm (which is good at our house)!

He is more responsible and patient (most of the time - he has his moments).  He loves Kendall and they get along well (again - most of the time).  He loves to read his Bible and go to Church.  I love to hear him saying the prayers and responses during Church.  I nearly cry each time we stand to sing a song and he points to the words with me as we sing along.  I know, I know - I'm a sap! 

I look at him sometimes and still can't believe that he is ours!  He is such a precious boy and a true gift from God!  I pray each night that we will serve him well and raise him into a strong, caring Christian man.          

Here is his 7 question interview...

Question #1  What was your favorite part of school this year?
Answer - I really liked Fun Friday.  Science was my favorite subject.  I got a lot better at computers.

Question #2  You played football, basketball and baseball this year.  Which sport do you like best?
Answer - Baseball because you get to hit home runs.

Question #3  What is your favorite food?
Answer - Mac and cheese (This hasn't changed in all of his seven years.)

Question #4 What is your favorite song?
Answer - Sweet Home Alabama, but I like to listen to KLOVE all the time.

Question #5 What is your favorite book?
Answer - Mr. Popper's Penguins (I thought he should read the book before the movie came out.)

Question #6 What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
Answer - Play the Wii and ride my scooter, bike and skateboard

Question #7 What do you hope to accomplish by your 8th birthday?
Answer -   I want to accomplish riding my skateboard.

When Jackson was 3 he started asking for a skateboard.  And so in my infinite wisdom, I told him that he could have a skateboard when he was 7 (random number I chose to delay broken bones).  7 seemed like a good number at the time.  And now he's 7 - so guess what was the only thing he asked for this year.  We'll hopefully make it through the summer with only minor scrapes and bruises.  

Jackson, my sweet boy, I love you and I'm so proud of you!  I hope you always let your light shine!

Verse of the day - "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


P.S. I know I've used this verse several times.  It's my favorite one for my children!

P.P.S. I meant to post this Wednesday or on his actual birthday (which was yesterday), but Kendall had what we thought was the tummy bug but turned out to be an infection of the throat and ears.  Bleh! :)

P.P.P.S. Jackson shares his birthday with my dearest. "oldest" friend Kim (oldest as in been friends for over 20 years, not age old :).  She was actually in the operating room with us when Jackson was born (she was a NICU nurse).  Kim got to hold him before Zach or I did.  I can't imagine him having a better birthday twin than her!  She is a wonderful mother and friend!  One more great part to that story - Kim told me she was expecting Katie on the day Jackson was born.  It was a great day all around!!!


  1. He is one very special boy!!! We love him so much. He is just the perfect blend of both you and Zach. You are lucky to have him and he is very lucky to have such great parents.
