Thursday, June 23, 2011

I like the way she says her name

During May, Jackson and I attended his friend Taylor's birthday party.  Taylor and Jackson have been in the same class for the past two years and have become pretty good friends.  She is a precious girl!Taylor is also my friend Cheryl's niece and her family is WoNdErFuL!  Don't tell Jackson I said this but he thinks Taylor's pretty cute.  After countless dinner conversations about Taylor during kindergarten, Zach asked Jackson what he liked most about her.  Jackson's response was "I like the way she says her name."  Sweet boy.

I think this horse was named Cinco.  One was Cinco because she was the fifth horse born and one was Mayo because it was born in May.  Such amazing creatures!

Two of the other horses at the farm.

The birthday girl waiting for her turn to ride.  Look at those pink ropers - so cute!

Jackson's turn to ride

Listening to instructions - I should have blogged this right away because I forgot this patient, kind man's name.  His house, land and horses were beautiful!  Such a great place to have a party!

Ride em!

Precious horse cake

The birthday girl's turn

There was a trampoline for the kids to jump on while they were waiting on their turn to ride the horses.  Such fun!

I love this picture!


Could Cheryl look any cuter on that horse!!!  (This is pre-back injury, by the way...) 

Jackson LOVES pinatas!  Especially since his mean momma is too scared to let him have one at his parties!

Happy Trails!

Verse of the day - "May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you." 1 Thessalonians 3:12


1 comment:

  1. I hadn't seen this pictures. It looks like they had a great time! Mom
