Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hanging with my PEEPS

The night before Easter we went over to Yommy and Papa's to dye eggs and make cupcakes.  Fun times were had by all!

BIG batch of eggs

Yommy helps pour the vinegar.  Kendall refused to let me pull her hair back.  She also chose her mismatched outfit!
Daddy and Jacks stirring the dye

Kendall stirs the "pink" dye.  Shhh..don't tell her it was actually supposed to be red.

Giving the eggs a little dye bath

Kendall dyed more of Yommy's table than she did the egg

Yay!  Now they're ready for stickers...

So fun!

Concentration... Kendalls' accessories are a hair tie and a rubber band - classy!

Now we're ready for cupcakes!

Hmmm...What should I use to decorate my cupcake?
My mom saw a cute idea on a food blog about using PEEPS to decorate cupcakes.  We had coconut grass, yellow PEEP chicks, blue PEEP bunnies, jelly beans and robin eggs.  YUM!


Little bird eggs
Jackson's first finished product...pretty cute!

Kendall's first finished product...lots of robin eggs and jelly beans!

Jackson made some without PEEPS.

Kendall made some that were not G-rated. :)
Some of the finished products...

And the rest!

OOPS... finished eggs out of order and blogger refusing to let me fix it!

And what evening would be complete without a wrestling match with Papa?

Verse of the day - "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" 1 Peter 1:3



  1. Wylee wears rubber bands (hair and office) as accessories too - our silly girls. I love that cupcake idea - totally stealing it for next year. The "non-G" rating cracked me up - you are so funny. I am glad you are having time to blog again, I enjoy it so much.

  2. Cute idea! Love their creativity!

  3. Those were so much fun!!!! Mom
