Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A few things I've realized...

Well, Jackson's luck ran out.  He is still running a fever and school was just delayed, not canceled.  He spent a good fifteen minutes (I kid you not) crying this morning.  He's so sad he's having to miss.  I am too because I did not get a sub and my poor friends are having to split my students.  They're great friends - I love them more than words!  Kendall's also here with us again today because she is running a temp as well.  Zach and I thought she might have caught the flu from Bubba.  He took her to the doctor this morning, but thank goodness her flu test was negative.  Just a little fever remnant from this weekend's ear infection.

Here are some things I've realized staying home with my lovebugs the past two days (indulge me - I am our family's memory keeper.)
1. My kids get along a lot better when they're sick.  I just watched Kendall cover Jackson up with a blanket and kiss his forehead - too sweet!  Jackson has also been sharing his DSi with her which is very unusual!
2. Old Yeller is still a great movie.  We watched it yesterday and I cried like I had no idea how it would end.  Jackson liked it too and now wants to read the book - bonus!
3. Even though I am here during the day, my house is nowhere near clean.  In fact, it's messier.  Partly due to the Tornado also known as Kendall Grace.  This is why there are no pictures attached to this post.
4. I love Kendall's versions of songs.  My all-time favorite is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  Here are her lyrics.  Who knew we've all been singing it wrong for the past hundred years?
"Finkle, Finkle little tar,
How I wonder what you are?
Bubba, Bubba world so high,
Like a diamond in the guy.
Finkle, Finkle little tar,
How I wonder what you are?"
I also love her mash-ups.  Twinkle and Baa, Baa Black Sheep go nicely together.  So do the Barney song and Jesus Loves Me in case you were wondering.
5. Jackson likes to snuggle when he's sick.  Mind you, he doesn't realize he's not the size the lap dog and it's not exactly comfortable.  But it's still nice to have him sit on my lap and snuggle.
6. Kendall doesn't like to snuggle when she's sick.  She would just rather run around half-naked covering up her baby dolls and emptying her toy box.
7. I'm so thankful that we are not experiencing rolling black-outs like our friends and family down south.  Technology and reading are the only things keeping us from going stir-crazy!

I hope everyone is well at your house.  I also hope you are staying warm.  I have been praying for the homeless during this winter blast.  We have a warm home, coats, gloves, scarves, etc. to keep us warm - others are not as fortunate.

Verse of the day - "But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble." Psalm 59:16



  1. That is just too cute!!! Enjoy these times - even when they are sick. I love the mash-ups and the mix-ups of lyrics. My, oh my, someone sounds a lot like their Mother at her age!!!! And, yes siblings can amaze you with how well they get along when they are sick. But, if they feel better tomorrow - you might want to be wearing the referee shirt.

  2. Wow! Sounds like you had a fun and full day despite two sick kiddos. I hope everyone gets better soon!
