Sunday, January 23, 2011

You are never going to believe this...

Guess what?  My kids sometimes don't get along.  Shocking, I know!  Sometimes, they even fight (GASP)!  I laughed for about an hour when Zach asked me if it was normal for siblings to argue and fuss like our two.  Granted he doesn't have any brothers or sisters, but it was still really funny!  I remember VIVIDLY the "tussles" my brother and I had growing up.  It's a wonder my mom and dad still claim us as their own.  But now, Timothy is one of my best friends and I would fight to the death, not with him, but for him. 

So yes, my children argue, fuss, yell, make faces and fight with each other. But that's only about 20% of the time.  The other 80% of the time, they are kind, loving, caring and helpful to each other.  And I have to remind myself in that 20% of the time, this too shall pass.  And that they are learning life lessons and conflict-resolution skills.  AND to keep my patience and calmness intact even when they do not. 

Because we do have moments like this...

Leaving church a few Sundays ago - I couldn't resist!  I wanted to freeze-frame time.
 And this...

This morning after church.  Kendall's been wanting to wear her hat all week.  I let her wear it church and she left it on the whole time!  An added bonus - she was a big hit with the over-80 crowd!

We've also started a family devotional at dinner time.  We really love it!  Jackson gets into the discussion and answers the questions.  Kendall's done a great job of listening and sitting still. 

Each day has a little story and related Bible verses.  It also has discussion starters and questions.  Each day's devotion is the perfect length for young and school-aged children.  I highly recommend it!

Years ago, my friend Cheryl gave me Feathers From My Nest by Beth Moore on CD.  I cannot tell you how many times I've listened to it and loaned it out to family and friends. It is AmAzInG!!!  In the book, she talks about journals she kept with her two daughters.  I'm going to do some mega-paraphrasing here - she would write a bible verse in the journal each day, they would read and discuss it.  Then they would all sign it to signify that they would try to live that particular verse out that day.  I've been wanting to do this for a long time and FINALLY we started this year.  The devotional book above really lends itself to this activity as well.

Just a simple little journal...
Our Bible verse for today.  Yes, even Kendall "signs" her name!

By the way, today's lesson was about planting seeds of peace in your heart.  Totally tying into...fighting with your sibling!  Need I say more?

An update on Yvetta - she was released from the hospital late Wednesday and is doing well.  A speech therapist did a swallowing evaluation on her.  She has completely lost the muscle strength needed to swallow.  The speech therapist said this was due to her Alzheimer's.  So, she will be fed 23 hours a day through her feeding tube.  They have hooked it up to her wheelchair so she can still be mobile.  Thanks again for the prayers!  We are blessed in so many ways!

Verse of the day - "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11


1 comment:

  1. You are amazing and I want to be just like you!! I'm going to get the dinner time devotion book. I was wanting something since Advent is over. Love the notebook idea too. AND- glad to hear that my kids are normal too!

    So sorry about Yvetta. Alzheimer's is such a horrible disease. As always, your family is in my prayers.
