Saturday, March 26, 2011

Of horses, cows and cousins

Spring Break Part 2...

Saturday afternoon, we headed back out to my Grandma's house (she lives in a farming community north of town) for good food and even better company!  My mom is one of five children (she's the baby) and all five of them were there Saturday night.  I know how happy my Grandma must have been to see them all together.  I know my kids were beyond excited to play with some of their cousins (we sure did miss those that we didn't get to see)!

A "small" spread for 30 people - everything was so yummy!

Caitlin and Alli on the beloved porch swing

Andrew and Emily

The "younger" kids table
I thought I was taking a picture of Jackson and Austen, but got two pirates instead!

Silly Case and Kaci

Kendall and Addison

Sweet Tana

My grandma has the greenest thumb ever (she didn't pass that on to me) -
one of her beautiful spring blooms!

You know you're not in the city anymore when
a horse comes by as you're eating supper!

Kendall LOVED the horse. 
She was so excited to pet it, but then got scared as she got closer.

This young man was really nice to stop a while and talk to the kids.  He also had three dogs with him.  He was so patient to let each of the kids pet the horse and ask questions. 

This is the "after" picture of Jackson petting the horse.  He first tried to pet the horse on the flanks.  The horse didn't kick, thank goodness, but Jacks learned a valuable lesson about horse etiquette.  Such a city boy!

In honor of George Strait being in town this weekend -
This is where the cowboy rides away!

This was the first of several attempts to get a group picture of the kids.

I love trailer pictures.  I have lots of great memories taking pictures just like this with my cousins on these trailers.  And we might have used it as a stage a few times as well.  I'm sure our "shows" were spectacular! 
Kendall loves hanging out with the big girls!

She's starved for attention as you can tell...
My Uncle J.R. has a farm down the road from my Grandma's.  After supper, the kids and a few adults decided to walk down there.  I asked my cousin how far it was since we were taking Kendall with us.  She replied, "Oh, not far, just a block or so."  Well, that's the last time I'll ask a cross country runner for a distance check.  It was further than any block I've ever walked.  Kendall made it nearly the whole way,  she only rode on Zach's shoulders for the last quarter mile or so. 

Heading down the road...

Andrew and Jackson

Uncle J.R. came and offered rides to the tired walkers.  Don't worry - he was maybe going 2 miles per hour!  What's a trip to the country without a ride in the back of a pick-up?  Brings back wonderful memories of going with my sweet Papa to feed his cows with my cousins!

We made it to the gate - it was such a beautiful evening!

Springtime means lots of cute little calves!  This one was my favorite!

Mama and baby coming to eat

Addison and Kendall getting reading to feed the cows.

Jackson throwing the hay - look out cows!!!

They didn't mind - they were ready to eat!

Kendall attempting to throw some hay.

Look at these crazy horns!!!

Kendall had not napped all day!  She was one tired cookie when we got back to Grandma's house.  She sat down on Memaw's (that's what the great-grandkids call my Grandma) lap for a story.

The Jones sisters looking over something - I love these ladies so much!!!

Clearly not as tired as his sister!  He was so excited he nearly made it to the top.  I told him no further because you can't play baseball with a broken limb! 

Part 3 coming soon...

Verse of the day - "He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate--bringing forth food from the earth" Psalm 104:14


P.S. Please keep my sweet teacher friend in your prayers.  She lost her sister in a tragic car accident.  Her sister was a wonderful wife, sister, daughter and mother of three young children.  Such a heartbreaking loss  - I pray God's hands will wrap them in peace and love.

1 comment:

  1. You made me want to go sit out on a porch swing and sip some iced tea! Looks like a lot of fun!
