Monday, December 27, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Christmas - Part Three

Christmas morning - 5:00 a.m. Jackson runs into our bedroom screaming, "He (Santa) came, he came! Let's go, let's go!" Mind you, Jackson did not go to sleep until about 12:30 that same morning.  Kendall was still asleep and my parents were coming over for breakfast and to see what Santa had brought.  So, I was a MEAN momma and made him lay down with us and go back to sleep.  He fell back asleep after about 20 minutes of arguing.  Glad I did - we had to wake him up when my parents came over about 8:00.

So, yes Santa did come. 
And, yes he did enjoy the cookies and milk and even left a note!

That Santa sure does know how to make children happy!

Jackson reading Santa's note - Kendall was still half-asleep and really didn't care to look at anything
Goodies in the stockings
Apparently, Santa wasn't feeling too great and didn't assemble Kendall's Little Mommy Nursery.  So, Yommy and Papa sweetly put it together for her.  I say sweetly a little bit sarcastically.  My dad told me if I saw Santa to tell him to watch his back.  Only he didn't really use those exact words if you know what I mean.  It was a bit of a headache to put together!
This picture brings two things to mind-
1. Can you tell who is the boss in our house?
2. Although we wish we could have been with our entire family, I really couldn't have had a better view on Christmas morning than this one. 
 After breakfast, playing with new stuff and FINALLY getting dressed.  Mom and I started on lunch.  It was really good, we had a ton of food.  I'm not sure we know how to make Christmas lunch for only six people.

The turkey was really tasty!

Mom refused to be in the picture, but so did I so here are 3 men and little lady.  Notice that the little lady has already started to graze. 
Since we've been married, Zach and I have traded off Holidays each year with our families.  One year we spend Thanksgiving in Vernon and Christmas with Yvetta and swap the next year.  Since moving Yvetta down here in 2008, this year was the first holiday we didn't get to bring Yvetta (Zach mom's/Gee-Gee) to our house.  We tried and tried to figure out a way for it to work, but in the end decided it would be better for her (both health and mind) if we just visited her.  So after lunch, we headed to see Gee-Gee.  I was going to blog about the Christmas dinner we had at her home last week, but it was not the greatest of visits.  Everyone left feeling really sad and downhearted.  I prayed and prayed that today's visit would be much better, especially for Zach (he had gone up to see her by himself during the week because he didn't want to put the kids through any confusing stuff again).  He is such a great son.  I can't imagine how hard this must be for him. But he keeps smiling and looks at the positive, even though I know on the inside how badly it must hurt for his mother not to know who he is.

I am glad to say that although she did not who we were or why we there, today's visit was really great!  This time she enjoyed watching the kids play and they were really good and well behaved and we got to stay much longer than I anticipated. 

This is the conversation that Jackson had with her when we got there (she was really confused by the presents).

Jackson - "Gee-Gee...Merry Christmas, I love you!  We brought you some presents.  Did you know that today is Christmas?"
Yvetta - "No.  I guess I don't know."
Jackson - "It's Christmas.  The day baby Jesus was born.  Do you remember Jesus?"
Yvetta - "No, is he nice?"
Jackson - "Oh, yes!  He's the nicest guy in the whole world.  He lives in Heaven, you know."

*Tears* - Lots of them

Gee-Gee loves to watch Kendall.  I think Kendall senses that Gee-Gee is someone she needs to take care of - like her baby dolls.  Kendall is always so loving and gentle with Gee-Gee.  It melts my heart!  It's harder for Jackson because he remembers when she knew his name and would play with him.  He doesn't quite understand why that's not the case anymore.
Mother and son

The presents really confused her, but Kendall kept laying them on her lap and helped her open them up!  They had a great time together! 

Merry Christmas, sweet lady!  We love you!!!

After we left Gee-Gee's, Yommy and Papa came back over for dinner.  We watched our master Wii player and then the not-so-great Cowboys.  After Yommy and Papa left, we snuggled on the couch.  A great end to a great day!

Cheesy, I know.  They really love their snuggies!
P.S.  I want to say thank you to my dear husband and parents.  My ear had been really hurting all Christmas day, but I was trying to ignore it so the pain would go away.  Well, that ended up not working.  About 2:00 a.m., I was in a LOT of pain.  Sadly I had taken the last of adult pain meds earlier that day, so Zach set out at 2:30 in the morning to buy me some more.  He must really love me!  My parents came over early the next morning to watch the kids so Zach could take me to the doctor.  They must really love me, too!  After everyone missing church, a shot, some good pain meds and a LONG nap, I felt much better.  I'm so lucky to have such a loving family.  Thanks, guys!!!

Verse of the day - "All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel”—which means, “God with us." Matthew 1:22-23



  1. Well, I hate to hear that you were sick on Christmas. But, happy to hear that people are taking as good of care of you as you do them.

    I'm so glad the kids had a good Christmas. It looks like it was a lot of fun. Jackson's comments about Jesus are so sweet. He is spreading the Good News.

    I'm so sorry about Gee-Gee. Isn't it sad? We went and saw my Grandma and it was just heartbreaking. Caroline keeps praying for a miracle for Grandma Alta. I think Gee-Gee and Grandma Alta both deserve one.

  2. We love you and are glad that you are feeling better. GREAT FOOD!!! Mom
