Saturday, December 18, 2010

Character and Cookies

I'm going to try to catch up on the past week's activities one blog at a time...

Jackson's teacher chose him as Student of Character for this six weeks.  It's kind of like Student of the Month.  We are very proud of him!  He can be stubborn and hard-headed sometimes, (hmmm...wonder where he gets that from?) but most of the time he is very well behaved.  He loves school and he loves his teacher which helps a lot!

There is a luncheon for all the students of character and their parents.  Daddy brought Jackson's favorite - Whataburger!

Each student receives a medal and a program.  Our Principal reads a little about each student from a questionnaire that the parents fill out.
Jackson's questionnaire - it was very difficult to choose just one answer for these questions!

Love my boys!!!

Jackson and a fellow 1st Grade Student of Character.  Her parents couldn't make it, so she sat with us.  I think my sweet husband can make just about any kid laugh!  Plus, he got to share his love for Whataburger with one more person that day!

Jackson and our Principal, Mrs. Lopez

Many of you know that my friend Cheryl, a.k.a. Mrs. Sevigny, is Jackson's teacher.  Each year before Christmas, Cheryl's mom comes to school to make Rudolph cookies with the students.  They are so cute - I was so glad Jackson got to join in on the fun this year!

Mrs. Cloud, a.k.a. Mammers, gives some instructions about the icing.
Mammers gives some advice on placing the cookies together correctly.

Putting the graham cracker base together can get a little tricky...
Jackson works on his icing
Mammers, Jackson and Taylor with their finished products.  Taylor is Cheryl's great niece and Mammers great-granddaughter.  Jackson happens to be very fond of Taylor!  My sister-in-law and Taylor's mom were in Cheryl's class together a "few" years ago.  I think it's so neat that now Jackson and Taylor are in Cheryl's class together.
One Graham cracker cut diagonally + two pretzels + icing + two chocolate chips + one red m&m = Rudolph.  Mammers was so sweet, she sent this one home to Kendall!  Ever heard of the saying, "take a picture, it'll last longer?"

Verse of the day - "When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:17-19



  1. That a good pic of the three of us.

  2. So fun!! I'm so proud of Jackson! What a wonderful guy!

  3. Those cookies are the cutest things!!! Great pics. Love ya, Mom
