Thursday, November 4, 2010

May "Extra Chesse" be with you!

I am going to be very honest with you...I love teaching Science way more than I ever did learning it in school.  I was not a good Math/Science student.  My brother and I tease that he got the Math/Science gene and I got the Reading/English Language Arts gene from our parents. (Please don't use this fact against me if you find errors in my posts!)

Most 1st Graders, on the other hand, LOVE Science!  Who wouldn't with all the hands-on experiments and investigations they get to do?  But sometimes, I think I try to "stuff" their brains too full of information.  Here's my proof...

#1 - Science Lesson: Natural vs. Man-Made light

After teaching the light unit, I make a big deal out of asking our "Light Operator" to turn off/on the MAN-MADE lights in our classroom.  One day, my students got a little loud (I know - it is SHOCKING that 1st Graders were being loud).  I turned off the lights for a minute to calm us down a bit and I hear one of students say, "You better be quiet, Mrs. Mac turned off the MERMAID lights!" 

#2 - Science Lesson: Heat

After discussing and observing various sources of heat, I introduced the concept of friction.  Before I could define/describe friction, one of my students said, "I know what friction means...It means the story is not real!"  At least I know he was listening during Reading and understands the difference between fiction and non-fiction!

One last funny school story...

Everyday, we sing a "Super" song to the students that earned a "SUPER" on their behavior calendar the day before.  Part of the song goes, "Following directions, doing assignments, showing others empathy".  After we had been in school about a month I hear of one my girls singing, "Following directions, doing assignments, showing others EXTRA CHEESE".  May you always show others "extra cheese" as well!

I LOVE MY JOB!  Kids really do say the darndest things!

Verse of the day - "He will fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with happy shouting." Job 8:21



  1. That was just the laugh I needed tonight. One of my favorite parts of my day is when I send the kids off to play, and I can still hear them but they don't know I am listening. The things they say is a riot!

  2. So funny! You are such a great teacher!

  3. You're a fantastic teacher, baby. Your kids and LISD are lucky to have you!
