Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A new adventure begins!

We are blessed to attend an AmAzInG church!  One of my most favorite things of the many, many, many, many reasons I love our church is our Music Department.  We have super talented people who lead dynamic programs for all ages.  Our choir is out of this world - I cannot describe in words the glory they bring to the Lord each and every Sunday.  Jackson sang with the "Sunday School" singers until this year when he could join our Genesis Children's Choir since he is now a BIG first grader.  I cannot tell you how much fun he has had - he loves it!  It helps that our good friend Caroline is there for moral support.

Anyways, I tell you all of this because...Each year, our church produces a musical.  This year's musical is "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang".  I asked Jackson if he wanted to try out about a month ago.  He said, "maybe" and didn't really seem that interested.  So, I didn't bring it up again.  Well, you know how men/boys always think an idea is great if someone else mentions it...His choir teacher at church told him about the auditions, and so he decided that he would try out after all!  Mind you this was on a Sunday and the auditions were the next Saturday, so we had less than a week to prepare an audition song from a musical (along with homework and basketball practices).  YIKES!  We looked through some songs together and came up with "If I only had a brain" from "The Wizard of Oz".  Listening to Jackson sing is one of my most favorite sounds in this world!  I tease him that maybe he's Baptist because he gets down when he sings!!!

We found out today that he made it!  We are so excited for him and this wonderful opportunity!  Can't wait until February to see our little man on stage as one of the children!  And as my good friend said, our ticket sales just went way up because whenever Jackson performs or plays a sport, his amazing fan club is there to support him!  He is a very blessed little boy!  Now off to work with Kendall on how to say "Chitty" correctly :)

First audition!
Verse of the day - "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10


Monday, November 22, 2010

93 years young

Yvetta celebrated her 93rd Birthday on Saturday.  93!  Somedays, I can barely count that high. 

For those of you that don't know (sorry if you already know the story)... Yvetta is my "mother-in-law".  She and her husband were Zach's biological great-grandparents.  They adopted Zach when he was 2 months old.  She was 63 when they adopted him.  Can you imagine adopting a 2 month old in your 60's?  That shows you how much love this amazing woman has in her heart!

She has not had the easiest life and yet her smile can light up a room.  I'm not sure how Zach's life would have turned out if hadn't had been for Yvetta.  Zach's dad, Yvetta's husband, passed away when he was 13 years old.  After that, it was just her and Zach.  They have such a special bond.  She gave him a loving, stable home and raised a wonderful, caring man!

In 2005, Yvetta fell and broke her hip.  We had to make the heart-wrenching decision to place her in a nursing home in her hometown of Spearman.  She needed round-the-clock nursing care and her dementia/Alzheimer's was starting to set in.  In 2008, we decided to move Yvetta to a nursing home here in town so we could see her more often (once a month up to Spearman wasn't going to possible after Kendall was born) and Zach could handle her medical issues easier.  And I don't know about you, but I never got to meet any of my great-great-grandparents.  How lucky are my kids that have the unique opportunity to know and love their great-great-grandma?

Currently, Yvetta has her good and bad days.  On her good days, she knows that Zach is someone that she loves, although his name is long forgotten.  On her bad days, I don't think she realizes that we are there to see her.  But God in His amazing glory blessed us with two beautiful, caring children who always bring a smile to her face - good day or bad!

Happy Birthday, Yvetta!  I admire your loving heart, caring spirit, steadfast fortitude and strong constitution.  You are a virtuous woman with many jewels in your crown!  We love you!!!

We started the Birthday festivities on Thursday evening with a Thanksgiving meal.

Kendall loves Gee-Gee's soft hands! 
Neither of these young ladies would look at the camera, must be in the genes ;)
The food was delicious!
Jackson picked out a plant for Gee-Gee's room

Sorry for the blur - Thought this was a really sweet moment between Gee-Gee and Kendall

An attempt to hit two moving targets - Can you guess which two?

Jackson wanted red candles to match the red icing - I think he got close, but no cigar!
Singing Happy Birthday


A red-icing smile and teeth!

Jackson playing the piano for Gee-Gee. 
He played a rousing rendition of "Old McDonald".

"I love you forever, I like you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be!"

Verse of the day - "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. " Proverbs 31:30


Friday, November 19, 2010


Deskerella, the desk fairy, visited my classroom Wednesday night (the first time this school year).  She looks for desks that are organized and clean.  She leaves a treat and a note for the students whose desks are in tip-top shape.  We are looking forward to her next visit - you never know when and where she might show up!

It was really nice of her to leave a note for the whole class.  She gave us a few tips for keeping a neater desk.

You never know where she might leave a feather or two...(I think she leaves them to prove that she did indeed look in each and every desk!)

Her note for deserving students

This time she left jingle bell necklaces, just in time for the upcoming holiday season.  Angels for the girls...

and Santas for the boys!

Oh, Deskerella - How we cherish your visits!!!

Verse of the day - "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Super Bowl!

Well, LYFL Super Bowl anyway...

Getting instructions before the snap

Fun times playing on the high school field

GREATEST fans ever!  Yes, it was chilly...Yes, Danny is wearing shorts (even in the snow).

Way to go Cowboys!
Can you tell the sun was directly in their little eyes?

Sweet moment this momma couldn't help but capture

One lucky little boy
Two very blessed parents!

The best cheering section anyone could ask for!
Another football season in the books!  Basketball games begin this Tuesday :)

Verse of the day - "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. " Ephesians 4:32


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Weekly Update

This week was busily filled with basketball practices, curriculum meetings and PTA meetings.  I need to say a GiNoRMoUs thank you to my wonderful husband for pulling more than his share this week (early pick-ups, early drop-offs, doctor appointments, etc.)!  We did schedule a little time for fun.

Yommy gave Jackson a Texas Tech helmet, so now these two don't have to fight over the Dallas Cowboys helmet anymore (or should I say not as much). 
Thanks, Yommy! 

I know this picture is terrible!  Our school's gym and my camera don't get along.  Jackson held the American flag during our Top Dog Assembly on Friday.  As precious as it was, it was also pretty humorous!  I think the flag weighed more than he did and by the end of the Pledge, he looked like he might pass out!

Very proud of our 2nd six weeks TOP DOG!

End of Football party

Cowboys cupcake complete with edible jersey - very cute!

 Sorry for the randomness of this post!  Hope your week was great!

Verse of the day - "With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!" Isaiah 12:3


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Last of the Cowboys

Sorry if you clicked in for Wade Phillips...Nope, not those Cowboys.  Sunday was Jackson's last regular season game with the flag football Cowboys.  The flag teams do get to play one last "game" at the older boys' Super Bowl next weekend.  But just try to imagine 4 simultaneous flag football games going crosswise on the football field during half-time.  The main highlight will be the trophy, not the mini-game.

For his last regular game, Jackson was excited to get to play on one our high school's practice fields.  We pulled up and he said, "Wow, they have stands and everything!"  Mind you, we usually play on a junior high field and have to lug our chairs for seating.  He was even more excited to see that the yard lines were actually chalked on the field.  Awww, the simple things that make a 6-year old boy giddy!
View from the stands at kick-off.  Yep, that's burnt orange you see.  Kind of surreal for the Cowboys to playing the Longhorns. 

The Longhorns beat us earlier in the season.  To rub salt in the wound, it was the day after Tech lost to Texas.  But this time, the good guys won and beat the until then undefeated Longhorns!

Danny and Kendall pulling a little switch-a-roo with their headgear!  Danny looks pretty good in the bow, don't you think?  I think Kendall might have a certain somebody wrapped around her little finger!
Jackson was UBER-excited to receive a game bottle at the end of the game.  Coach said, (bear with me, I'm a proud momma) "This bottle goes to a someone that has been a SOLID player ALL season long - Jackson get up here!" 

Complete with his name, jersey number and a Cowboys emblem - don't forget the red Gatorade grins :)

Sister had to get in on the action!  Not sure who they were looking at...

By the way, his #9 is not for Tony Romo.  It's for Ted Williams, of course! 
Next year, we're off to tackle.  Tackle football - still gauging my feelings on that one, I'll get back to you!  Basketball practices have already begun, be on the look out for Bobcats basketball posts in the near future. 

Verse of the day - "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Best Made Plans

Our plans for attending the Tech Homecoming Parade and football practice were dashed by a fever, a sore throat and then a rocephin shot for Jackson.  Oh well, sometimes a day of rest if just what the body and soul need to feel better.  Especially after a week of multiple basketball/football practices. 

Jackson was majorly bummed that not only did he miss the parade and practice but he was not going to be able to go to the game with Daddy and Papa.  So to make him feel better (rocephin shots do hurt like the dickens) for having to actually stay home on a Saturday (a novel idea) we planned a dinner with Yommy, Uncle Timmy and Aunt Jecca.

Everyday on the way to school, we pass a Japanese steakhouse.  Every morning, Jackson reads the sign and asks "Mom, when can we eat there?". The thing is, he strongly dislikes any type of Asian cuisine, so I was hesitant to take him in fear that he would not eat a single bite.  But tonight, with Daddy and Papa gone to the game, I FINALLY gave in and we went!

We were so excited that Jessica's mom was able to join us for dinner, too!  We had a great time watching the activities and the great food!!!

Yommy, Kendall, Jackson, Timothy, Jessica and Mrs. Robbins
I made Jacks promise me before we went that he would at least try one bite of everything.  Turns out, he really likes miso soup!

And so does Kendall!

Jackson took this shot of our teppanyaki chef.  Jackson was mesmerized by his "dangerous" job and "holster".

Kendall wasn't too sure about our chef, he sure was making things smoky...

Another shot by Jackson - he really wanted to catch his spatula skills :)

Kendall warmed up after a while and really enjoyed the show!

Onion Volcano!

Good food + Great Company = Great Times
Jackson ate all of his chicken - AMAZING! 
And Kendall ate nearly ALL of Yommy's rice!
Uncle Timmy cracks Kendall up - He is pretty funny!

She especially loves his bald head!
We made one last wish and then went for ice cream!

Our best made plans for Saturday weren't what we had planned, but the day turned out WAY better than we thought!  Tech even pulled out a win that we were able to watch on T.V. much to Jackson's delight!  Wreck Em!

Verse of the day - "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22