Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hey, everyone!  I am going to give this blog thing a whirl.  I just told my school friend that I finally realized I try to take on too much. So, I thought I'd add one more thing...At least I know my weakness.  (Isn't admitting you have a problem the first step, anyways?)  But, seriously - another weakness I have is documenting my children's lives - I'm so far behind, so maybe if I'm held accountable...I can try to keep up!

I guess I'll start by explaining the title of my blog.  We recently went to the wedding of a close family friend (the wedding was beautiful, by the way).  The ceremony itself was outside in a breathtaking place where peacocks happen to live.  My 2-year old daughter, Kendall, loves ALL animals.  This did not bode well for the peacocks!  She chased them all over the place (after the actual ceremony, of course).  She kept screaming at them "I love peacocks, I hug peacocks, I kiss peacocks" and she would have if we would have let her!  She's our little Elmira, you know that little cartoon girl that says "I want to love him and kiss him and hug him and squeeze him forever and ever!".  Anyways, I thought to myself, my life is a lot like chasing peacocks!  I run and run and never quite seem to get it all done!  So, I will continue to chase peacocks, because I LOVE being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, friend, etc.!

Kendall Grace - peacock chaser extraordinaire
Okay, so I promise not to always be so long-winded, but...I can't do a blog post without mentioning both my children, so here's a conversation I had with Jackson (6-years old going on 45!) on Tuesday...

Jackson: "Mom, can I have an IPad?"
Me: "No, they're expensive, besides I don't even have an IPhone!"
Jackson: "But Oprah said it would change the way I learn forever!"

Jackson - Oprah quoter
Verse of the day - "The LORD bless you and keep you, the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6: 24-26



  1. So glad you have entered the blog world!! Looking forward to reading. Great blog name. Love ya!

  2. Ooohh.... Blogger took my password today! (It usually doesn't). I love it. Jackson cracked me up!
