Tuesday, March 1, 2011

That's how we roll

My best friend's daughter celebrated her 6th birthday this weekend.  I remember VERY well the day Kim told me she was having "Sister".  We were at the hospital about to go into the OR to have Jackson.  I was scared, to put it lightly, about having a c-section.  It wasn't the way we had planned it.  But guess what, I'm not in charge and guess what else, God knows what He is doing!  The BEST news was that Kim got to be in the OR with us because she was a NICU nurse.  I was about to go back for that big, old needle when she told me they were expecting.  I was so excited!  Our kids were going to be close in age - finally, something I had planned on!

Fast forward 6+ years later and Sister's had a skating party!  I love to skate!  Kim and I went skating nearly every Friday night when we were in junior high.  We had some good times skating to great music, watching the cute boys, trying not to fall or trying to fall gracefully.  Here's my conversation with Jackson at the party...

Me - "Kim and I used to go skating ALL the time when we were in junior high."

Jackson - "Really?" (as he looks at me like I must have grown up in the dark ages)

Me - "Yeah, we had so much fun skating, singing and watching the cute boys."

Jackson - "Oh, so that's where you met Daddy."

Me - *Pause* "Well, no."

Jackson - "So, that's where Kim met Robbie?"

Me -  *Another Pause* "Umm, no."

Another fine example that God knows exactly what He's doing.  Thank goodness I'm not "Mrs. Cute Boy in the A's cap" and Kim's not "Mrs. Cute Boy That Knows How to Limbo on Skates".

Okay - I'm done taking trips down memory lane.  Here are the pictures from the skating party...

Kendall's skates stayed on her feet for a whopping two minutes.  Jackson skated once around the rink (or should I say fell 20 times around the rink) and decided to take a break.  Is it just me or is Kendall channeling her inner-Debbie Gibson?
So true!

Yay! A Tiger bouncer for Tindell Tiger - She loved it!

"Momma, I see a tiger.  I kiss the tiger."

Taking a skating break in the play area

Monkey see, monkey do

I thought I could get a cute pic of them with their heads peeking through these holes.  Instead, I got a "rock on" from Jacks and an "I'm so over this" from Kendall.

Flying out of the slide - love those bouncing curls!

Meanwhile...Zach braved the blowing dust and 60 MPH winds to go home and get Jackson's scooter and Kendall's tricycle.

Mmmm...gritty teeth!

Welcome to West Texas
Love those brown skies!

Hooray for Daddy - Our Hero!

Much easier than skating

That's more like it!

Awww...the memories!
Robbie with sister, brother and cousins!  How precious is this?

Sister - the Beautiful Birthday Girl

Kim makes really tasty cupcakes!

And even yummier icing!

What a great day!  I'm so blessed by the 20+ years Kim and I have been friends (we met in the womb).  I'm so glad our kids can play and laugh (and skate) together!

Verse of the day - "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 29:29



  1. I am so glad you guys were able to come. We had a blast!

  2. Those are such sweet pictures. It looked like the kids had a blast!!! Yommy

  3. Oh migoodness! That place hasn't changed at all, has it? I remember going there in junior high for a NJHS function, lol! Looks like a fun party. I love the picture of Kendall and the cupcake. (Didn't so much love the dust bowl pictures, haha! I've been away too long!)

  4. That does look like a fun party. And I agree with Melissa- the rollerink hasn't changed at all- looks the same as when I was in junior high. :)
