Monday, February 28, 2011

Meet Max

Our school mascot is a whippet.  Yep, a whippet.  I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I didn't know what a whippet was until I started teaching.

Whippet - small, slender racing dog similar to the greyhound.  (read NOT a greyhound, a lot like one, but definitely NOT a greyhound!)

Most of our students, including my own personal child, have not ever seen a whippet in person.  Until Friday that is - Max the whippet made an appearance at our 4th six weeks Top Dog assembly.

Max was a little unsure of the 350 excited kids staring at him.

More relaxed - what a beautiful dog!

Each of the Top Dogs got to pet Max.

How cool is that!  It was EXTREMELY nice of Max's owners to let him come for a visit.  Guess it's a good thing we are the whippets and not the whales, whimbrels or whapukus (yep - I googled "animal names beginning with wh").

Verse of the day - "In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:10



  1. I guess that's why they never did that at my school. . .Cook Crocodiles, lol! Off to google some wh animals now! :D

  2. That whippet looked very scared.

  3. I too was unfamiliar with the whippet. You are expanding my mind!!
