Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You grab a line, I'll grab a pole

This is the first year that Zach has been off with us for Spring Break.  We are having a great time together!  We've done lots of book reading, bike/scooter riding, basketball, baseball and sidewalk chalk, etc!

Monday afternoon, Zach took Jackson fishing.  It was a little cool, so Kendall and I opted to stay at home to read our new books and we might have snuck in a little nap.  Zach gets his love of fishing from his dad.  It's so fun to watch him pass on his love to Jackson (worms and all)!  I made asked them take the camera to get some pictures.  Even though they only caught one fish each, they had a great time!  I love my boys (worms and all)!

So excited he didn't get "skunked"!

I love the look on his face and those dirty little hands!

Jackson did pretty well taking a pic of Daddy and his fish!

Jacks really wanted to eat at the "Krustie Krab", alas they were closed.

Beautiful West Texas Day...

Amazing sunset!

Verse of the day - "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19



  1. Fun! Glad that Jackson had some quality time with his daddy over Spring Break!

  2. Jackson said he caught more fish than Zach. Is that true, or was it a fish story????

  3. What fun. I'm so glad Zach is off with you this week! I may have to enlist Zach's help. For some reason, Caroline really wants to go fishing. Needless to say, I don't have ANY expertise in that area.
